This is the secret of success."
Swami Sivananda
It’s All About Choices.
While working with a lovely young lady I realized that she hates herself. She has not found a place to belong in this world. In her mid-twenties, she has a career goal; however, that is her only goal. She finds herself with no friends and solely dependent on her family: loving them yet at the same time, hating them because of this dependency.
She is stuck in this unhappy place in her own head. As a victim, believing the stories she has told herself, keeping her trapped and unhappy.Many of these stories have been reinforced by the people she most loves. Her fear of changing these beliefs is more frightening than remaining trapped, stuck and very unhappy. Can you relate?
It’s About The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Many people contribute to the development of self image: parents, siblings, friends, relatives, teachers, religious leaders and everyone else that comes into your life. If not careful, the world could develop your self-image rather than you creating you.
I remember having a math teacher tell my mother that “I just didn’t have a math mind. I was a C math student.” Now, if I were a different type, I could have accepted that as a part of me and then given myself permission to just be a C math student. Instead, I was so angry she labeled me that I had to prove her wrong and worked like a dog to be an A math student.
However, in my early years as a student, a teacher told my mother “An Artist, she is not.” I was too young to get angry at an adult. I accepted this as a fact, and never developed skills as an artist. Be careful of what messages we give others. Also realize, that it is up to you to accept or reject these so-called facts about who you are. If you accept what others say about you as truths, then you let others determine who you are and what you will become. Or, work really hard and create your own self-image.
What do we choose to believe?
Who do you want to be an expert on you? You, or someone or everyone out there thinking they know who you are? When you give others the power, you will never be happy with you. When you take responsibility for who you are, you can begin to feel better about you. Don’t give up the power. That’s when you feel trapped, stuck and very unhappy.
Your power is within you. Find your excellence within. If you need some help, guidance or simple support in creating you, give me a call at 516-236-3290. You don’t have to be in the area. I have phone sessions, skype sessions and of course office sessions. If you think I can help, give me a call.